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Common Lawn Problems (and Solutions) Faced By Homeowners

In the course of our business of Weed and Feed Lawn Care, we get to see many lawn and turf situations. Not surprisingly, we also get to see many frustrated home owners who just cannot get it right with there lawn. This frustration stems from some of the following lawn situations: dying or dead lawn areas under…


Don Burke read this…You Can Control Broadleaf Weeds In Buffalo Lawns, Grass And Turf -especially Broadleaf Weed Control in Sir Walter and Palmetto Buffalo Lawns

Don Burke read this. . .you can control weeds in buffalo lawns (including Sir Walter and Palmetto Buffalo)! That’s right, you can control the likes of wintergrass, dandelions, clover, oxalis and other broadleaf weeds in buffalo (or the American equivalent being St Augustine) lawn turf grass. If I “got a dollar” for every time somebody said…


How To Control Wintergrass In Your Lawn – servicing Sydney

How To Control Wintergrass In Your Lawn …kill wintergrass! Public enemy Number 1 of lawn lovers! A profuse seeder! This opportunistic little weed thrives in all turf grass areas, and invades turfgrasses without too much effort. Wintergrass germinates in early autumn, and remains a real problem “lawn weed” for winter, spring and for some of summer depending…


Lawn Green Lawn Care – Weed Control Without Spraying or Using Herbicide Sprays

. . . don’t you hate spray-drifting lawn chemicals . . . Lawn Green has developed the DRY Lawn Care method using totally DRY (and solid) granular products from fertilisers, insect control agents and to including herbicides. This is really innovative as we have just about eliminated any need for spraying applications. The success of…


How To Get Rid Of Bindii, Clover, Oxalis, Dandelions, Wintergrass and All Weeds

“Ouch!” Everyone I know dreads the cry of their little children after they walk through a patch of bindii. Did you know that bindii seeds are already germinating in your lawn right now? However, you can take affirmative action now to see that you never have a problem with bindii, or for that matter any…


Lawn Green Lawn Care – What Is A Weed?

Generally, the term “weed” is used to describe any plant that is unwanted and grows or spreads aggressively. The term “exotic weed” describes an invasive unwanted non-native plant. Terms such as invasive weed or noxious weed are used somewhat interchangeably to refer to weeds that infest large areas or cause economic and ecological damage to…

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Curl Grub Control

Curl Grub Control – Summer time is a time for lush, green lawns! At least that what you think until your lawn turns to straw patches and takes on a blotchy appearance. Many would be forgiven for thinking that lawns are looking bad with dead patches as a result of heat stress. This is, however,…