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Lawn Grubs Australia including Curl Grub and Army Worm

Lawn Grubs in Australia are commonly named (in the vernacular) when referring to different lawn eating insects. The different lawn grubs / insects include: those (like army worm) that forage on the leaves of lawn turf grasses, and those (like curl grub) that target and feed on the roots of lawn turf grasses and other…

What Grass Is That – Zoysia, Couch, Kikuyu – Lawn Green Lawn Care

This video has been taken on site at the turf farm of GreenLife Turf at Windsor, west of Sydney, NSW, Australia. Lawn mowing and gardening contractors will really appreciate the time spent having a look around at any turf farm. Contractors will be able to see first-hand the different types of [warm season] turf grasses available at these turf farms….

What Grass Is That – Queensland Blue Couch – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Have a look at this video that I recorded at a customer’s property in Sydney, NSW, Australia – the nature strip or verge is predominantly Queensland Blue Couch (scientific name is Digitaria didactyla). It has a blue-green hue or colour that is distinctly different to your regular Couch grass (otherwise known as Bermuda Grass in North…


Removing Couch from Buffalo – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Removing couch from buffalo lawn areas is impossible without killing both the couch grass and the buffalo grass. We need to go over some background information to explain why this is so. Firstly in this particular scenario, the weed (defined as “any plant that is unwanted in any garden situation”) is the Couch grass. Couch grass…

Lawn Grubs – the best way to control these Lawn Pests – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Lawn Grubs can be mistaken as different pests to different people. Armyworms (and all the other lawn and leaf eating caterpillars such as sod web worm and lawn army worm) are sometimes referred to as Lawn Grubs, and at other times Curl Grub (the larvae or juvenile form of Black Beetle) are referred to as Lawn Grubs. Whatever the…

Army Grubs and Lawn Grubs – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Army Grubs and Lawn Grubs are a real problem for any lawn lover. Army Grubs – otherwise known as Lawn Army Worms, Lawn Grubs or justArmyWorms – are leaf eating caterpillars that wreak havoc on your lawn in late Summer and early Autumn. Can you hear the drum beats of the army worms? They are on their way to a…