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Buffalo Grass Care – Harvesting Buffalo Grass – Windsor

Buffalo Grass Care – Ever wondered why they leave a 3 inch strip of Grass behind when they’re harvesting Buffalo Grass at the turf farms out at Windsor NSW on the river flats? All is answered in today’s video taken out at Freemans Reach on the Hawkesbury River west of Sydney NSW. As Buffalo Grass…

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Buffalo Lawn Care Protocol – Weed Free Lawns

Buffalo Lawn Care Protocol – We started work on this Buffalo Lawn (Stenotaphrum secundatum) in Glenhaven (N/W suburb of Sydney NSW) around October last year. Initially, we were faced with a struggling buffalo lawn that was infested with lots of weeds and bare patches. After the initial Tender Loving Care the lawn has bounced back to…

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Lawn Care Company – Best Lawn Care Service

Lawn Care Company – Here are some pics of the Best Lawn In Australia!       Like all sporting fields on the Mainland of Australia, the playing surface grass is usually couch grass (Cynodon dactylon) or kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). In the case of The SCG (Sydney Cricket Ground), the summer playing surface is…

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Lawn Care Services Tips – Autumn Tips

Lawn Care Services Tips – First Day Of Autumn today here in Sydney, Australia – the best city ever! I want to share with you some Lawn Care Services tips for the start of Autumn heading into Winter. Keep in mind here in Sydney NSW we will continue to have nice warm and humid weather for…

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Army Grub Control To Get Rid Of Army Worm

Army Grub Control – Just to clarify the term “Army Grub” covers a broad range of Lawn Insect Pests including Army Worm and Sod Web Worm (being lawn foraging caterpillars and living above ground). Late Summer and Autumn are the prime times for Army Worm damage to Sydney lawns. For effective Army Worm Control: The good…


ST91 Buffalo Grass – ST Buffalo Varieties Are Bad

ST91 Buffalo – WARNING: don’t use ST91 Buffalo as it is rubbish – it is not 91% shade resistant as the screenshot shows, the number “91” refers to a numbering system of these ST varieties, another problem is they die after spraying with broadleaf weeder.   ST91 Buffalo, or ST91 St Augustine grass as it is known in…


Insect Control For Lilly Pillys And Roses

Insect Control For Lilly Pillys And Roses – Another “How To” video for Homeowners and Contractors –  Insect Control For Lilly Pillys and Roses – uploaded to Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/user/YourLawnAndGarden on 13/7/2016. For your Fact Sheet go to FACT-SHEET-LillyPillyInsectControl . Video Script as follows: 1) Gidday it’s the lawn expert 2) There are 2 fairly common plants we can…


[Herbicide Surfactant] [Herbicide Spraying] [Herbicide Weed Control] [Maxwet]

Another “How To” video for Homeowners and Contractors –  Surfactant for Herbicides – uploaded to Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/user/YourLawnAndGarden on 28/6/2016. For your Fact Sheet go to FACT-SHEET-Surfactant . Video Script for Herbicide Surfactant as follows: 1) Gidday it’s the lawn expert 2) You will notice when you spray the weeds that the liquid forms rolling balls of moisture and that not…

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[What Grass Is That] [Queensland Blue Couch] [Couch Grass] [Bermuda Grass] [Durban Grass]

Another “How To” video for Homeowners and Contractors –  What Grass Is That – Queensland Blue Couch vs Couch Grass vs Durban Grass – uploaded to Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/user/YourLawnAndGarden on 24/6/2016. For your Fact Sheet go to FACT-SHEET-WhatGrassIsThat-QBCvsCouchvsDurban . Video Script for What Grass Is That – Queensland Blue Couch vs Couch Grass vs Durban Grass as follows: 1) Gidday it’s…