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ST26 Buffalo Grass And Why You Should Avoid It

ST26 Buffalo Grass – Even this website review of ST26 Buffalo Grass was scathing! So how can we be sure of Buffalo QUALITY?? Simple, just make sure you buy one of the Aussie Buffalos like Sir Walter Buffalo, Sapphire Buffalo, Kings Pride, Matilda etc.   The ST Buffalo varieties (including ST26, ST85 & ST91) are…

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Onion Weed Killer With Duke Herbicide

Onion Weed Killer – here is a great article on how to 100% control onion weed in lawns using an excellent post emergent herbicide called Duke. If you are serious about controlling Onion Weed (or Onion Grass) then the only way to eradicate it (selectively and effectively) from your lawn is with Duke Herbicide (a…

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Onion Weed Control With Indigo’s Duke Herbicide

Onion Weed Control in lawns is a challenge for the Home owner and Lawn Lover. However, total Onion Weed Control With Duke Herbicide (an Indigo Specialty Product’s herbicide product) is achievable. Indigo’s Duke is a wonderful herbicide product that targets and selectively removes Onion Weed, Onion Grass and a few other broad leaf weeds (including…

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Lawn Specialists – Specticle Herbicide

Lawn Specialists – Lawn Spraying Service – incorporating Bayer’s Specticle Herbicide Wow, this is a game changer for us here at Lawn Green – where you get more for less! Specticle Herbicide is an excellent pre emergent herbicide product, when applied in Summer helps prevent most winter weedsfrom germinating.            …