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ST26 Buffalo Grass And Why You Should Avoid It

ST26 Buffalo Grass – Even this website review of ST26 Buffalo Grass was scathing!

So how can we be sure of Buffalo QUALITY?? Simple, just make sure you buy one of the Aussie Buffalos like Sir Walter Buffalo, Sapphire Buffalo, Kings Pride, Matilda etc.

ST26 Buffalo Grass And Why You Should Avoid It like the plague


The ST Buffalo varieties (including ST26, ST85 & ST91) are unfortunately still available in Australia.

Always ask for the Aussie brand and you will be OK.


The Aussie Buffalo-s are tolerant of all the herbicides (ie Javelin by Barmac, Spearhead, Bindii Killer etc) registered for use on them, they have well developed root systems so can tolerate the hot summers and lastly (and importantly) they are Australian Made!!!

The ST Buffalo varieties all die within a couple of weeks of being sprayed with Javelin, so as a matter of precaution we always test spray a new customer’s buffalo lawn.

Any selective herbicides (suitable for turf grasses) which contain Dicamba as part of the Active Constituent should not be used on Buffalo Turf.

If you see a lawn herbicide with the warning on the label saying “NOT TO BE USED ON ST BUFFALO VARIETIES” this refers to the ST26, ST85 and ST91 Buffalo varieties.

All the Aussie Buffalo grasses (and also Palmetto grass) are all safe to spray with these herbicides.

If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn and Buffalo Lawn Care Tips, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn” – or call the Lawn Expert on 1300 55 74 72 now for a FREE QUOTE to be on Your way to a Lush, Beautiful and Greener Weed free lawn.

LawnGreen’s [Sydney Lawn Care Service] is very popular amongst its customers for the following reasons at https://LawnGreen.com.au/Why-Choose-Our-Lawn-Care-Service/ 

If you need new turf (including complete soil preparation, turf supply and installation) whether its any one of the many Aussie Buffalo grasses or any other grasses like Couch, Kikuyu and Zoysia then give these guys a call at https://lawnsolutionsaustralia.com.au/ or https://www.myhometurf.com.au/ 

Whether you engage a Lawn Care Service like ours or not it is really important to look after your lawn properly. You can save yourself a lot of grief by downloading our 1 Page Lawn Care Cheat Sheet at https://LawnGreen.com.au/The-Lawn-Lovers-Cheat-Sheet-the-complete-1-page-Lawn-Guide/