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Sir Grange Zoysia Lawn – For Home Situations – Sydney

Sir Grange Zoysia Lawn is an outstanding turf grass for all home situations. Sir Grange Zoysia has many qualities that make it a good all rounder and high performance grass. Here are some snaps of a St Ives (North Shore of Sydney) NSW client with their brand new Sir Grange Zoysia (installed around late 2020):…

Palmetto Buffalo Green Lawn With A Professional Lawn Spraying Service

Ahh don’t you love Dorothy sitting up there “proud as punch” with her beautiful Palmetto Buffalo [Green Lawn]. So proud she had her photo taken with the lawn!   You need a professional [Lawn Spraying Service] when looking after Palmetto Buffalo. Several reasons why: Palmetto Buffalo, although an American variety like the ST Buffalo grasses,…

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Onion Weed Killer With Duke Herbicide

Onion Weed Killer – here is a great article on how to 100% control onion weed in lawns using an excellent post emergent herbicide called Duke. If you are serious about controlling Onion Weed (or Onion Grass) then the only way to eradicate it (selectively and effectively) from your lawn is with Duke Herbicide (a…