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Sir Walter Weed Control – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Sir Walter Weed Control can be carried out effectively if the Lawn Carer understands some basics of Lawn Turf Grasses and available Lawn Care products. Sir Walter, Australia’s most popular and best selling Buffalo Turf grass, is highly regarded as a recreational (warm season) turf grass not just for its aesthetic good looks but also for…


Weed Killers for Lawns – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Weed Killers for Lawns – we have talked about this at Lawn Herbicides and Selective Herbicides for Lawns.  If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn” – or call the Lawn Expert on 1300 55 74 72 now for a FREE QUOTE to be on Your way…


Lawn Pests including Weeds, Fungal Disease and Insects – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Lawn Pests is the broad name given that covers all sorts of weeds, fungal diseases and insects that cause grief to lawn turf grasses. Weeds in lawns (and gardens for that matter) include all plants that are considered undesirable to the lawn or garden area. Basically a weed is considered to be an unwanted plant (and nuisance)…


How To Kill Wintergrass in Lawns – Lawn Green Lawn Care

How To Kill Wintergrass in Lawns – for more information on this topic please go to Killing Wintergrass and Winter Grass Control where we have already written about Wintergrass Control in Lawns.  If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn” – or call…


Selective Grass Herbicide – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Selective Grass Herbicides include herbicides that target particular weeds in lawns (without causing damage to the desirable turf grass). For a comprehensive look at Selective Grass Herbicide please go to Selective Herbicides For Lawns.  If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great…

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Lawn Dead Spots and Dead Patches in the Lawn caused by Curl Grub – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Lawn Dead Spots and Dead Patches in the Lawn caused by Curl Grub are a real problem for lawn lovers. The first question you need to ask yourself is “Does your lawn develop dead patches or areas of dead spots around the beginning or middle of summer?” – If so, and if you can easily pull…


Lawn Dead Spots and Dead Patches in the Lawn – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Lawn Dead Spots and Dead Patches in the Lawn could be a result of many different things happening with your lawn. Lawn Dead Spots could be caused by any of the following: Heat stress: With extended periods of dry and hot weather, you will find that lawn areas will tend to go straw coloured. This change…