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Kikuyu Grass Maintenance – Lawn Care Tips

Kikuyu Grass Maintenance Tips are a must for lawn mowing contractors, landscapers and home owners. Kikuyu Grass, like a lot of recreational turf grasses, is classified as a Warm Season turf. Warm Season grasses are different to Cool Season grasses in the way they grow. Cool Season grasses are plants that grow from seed with a single…


Buffalo ST Lawn Varieties – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Buffalo ST Lawn Varieties include the well known ST26, ST85 and ST91 Buffalograsses. Buffalo Turf grass is the common name given to Stenotaphrum secundatumin Australia, and it is otherwise known as St Augustine grass in North America. The Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) of the ST Buffalo varieties including ST26, ST85 and ST91 are owned by an American, Hugh Whiting,…


ST85 Buffalo – Lawn Green Lawn Care

ST85 Buffalo turf grass (or ST85 St Augustine grass as it is referred to in the North American continent) is one of many turf grasses available around the globe for use in home, commercial and recreational landscape settings. For an understanding of where different grasses fit in you need to appreciate that there are two (2) main categories…

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Lawn Grubs Australia including Curl Grub and Army Worm

Lawn Grubs in Australia are commonly named (in the vernacular) when referring to different lawn eating insects. The different lawn grubs / insects include: those (like army worm) that forage on the leaves of lawn turf grasses, and those (like curl grub) that target and feed on the roots of lawn turf grasses and other…

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Emerald Lawn Care – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Emerald Lawn Care is another competitor of Lawn Green. Lawn Green’s Dry Lawn Care method is an innovative and safe alternative to some other Lawn Care companies. If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn” – or call the Lawn…

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Barefoot Lawn Care – Lawn Green Lawn Care – Sydney wide

Barefoot Lawn Care – Lawn Green’s Weed and Feed Lawn Care service is available to customers all of Sydney from Bondi to Katoomba. Lawn Green’s Dry Lawn Care method is an innovative and safe alternative to some other Lawn Care companies. If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our…

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Lawn Care Sydney – Lawn Green

Lawn Care Sydney – Having trouble with your lawn…then you have come to the right place! We can help you on your way to a greener, weed free lawn – where we can control all those weed nasties like clover, bindii, dandelions, winter grass and so on. If your lawn problems include getting smashed every…

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Buffalo Lawn Care Tips – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Buffalo Lawn Care Tips – How to look after your Buffalo turf in Australia… Buffalo Turf Grass (also known as St Augustine grass in North America) is a warm season turf grass made very popular in Australia with the relatively new soft leaf Buffalo varieties such as Shademaster (in the 1980s) and Sir Walter Buffalo…

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Kikuyu Lawn Care – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Kikuyu Lawn Care – Kikuyu and Couch (also known as Bermuda grass in the North American continent) turf grasses are commonly used in playing fields and sports field situations. Homeowners are unaware of the reasons behind this and we will give a simple and detailed explanation. We need to understand there are two (2) broad…