What Turf Grass Is That? – identification tools for lawnmowing, gardening and landscaping contractors – Lawn Green Lawn Care

What Turf Grass Is That? – another guide for lawn mowing, gardening and landscaping contractors… We know there are two (2) broad categories of grasses including Cool Season and Warm Season grasses. Cool Season grasses are those that are propagated by seed only, and generally grow with a single stem per seedling. Some of these grasses do have…


Sir Walter Weed Killer and Buffalo Lawn Weed Control – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Sir Walter Weed Killer is another name given to the product “Sir Walter Weed Control”. Sir Walter Weed Control is a Selective Herbicide product that targets different weeds (including bindii, clover, oxalis, dandelions and other broadleaf weeds) in buffalo grass and other lawns. The active constituents that make up this product include Bromoxynil and MCPA. The…


Buffalo ST Lawn Varieties – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Buffalo ST Lawn Varieties include the well known ST26, ST85 and ST91 Buffalograsses. Buffalo Turf grass is the common name given to Stenotaphrum secundatumin Australia, and it is otherwise known as St Augustine grass in North America. The Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) of the ST Buffalo varieties including ST26, ST85 and ST91 are owned by an American, Hugh Whiting,…


How To Kill Wintergrass in Lawns – Lawn Green Lawn Care

How To Kill Wintergrass in Lawns – for more information on this topic please go to Killing Wintergrass and Winter Grass Control where we have already written about Wintergrass Control in Lawns.  If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn” – or call…


Selective Grass Herbicide – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Selective Grass Herbicides include herbicides that target particular weeds in lawns (without causing damage to the desirable turf grass). For a comprehensive look at Selective Grass Herbicide please go to Selective Herbicides For Lawns.  If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report on “The 5 Secrets To A Great…

What Grass Is That – A Guide For Lawn Mowing Contractors, Gardeners and Landscapers – Lawn Green Lawn Care

What Grass is that? – This is a question that many Lawn Mowing Contractors, Gardeners and Landscapers should know the answer to. You only have to have to read some of the “Forum” websites for lawn mowing and gardening contractors to realize how ignorant many contractors are in regard to their knowledge of lawn and turf…