Kurnell Curse Weed in Lawn

We have some Kurnell Curse (a real problem weed) in a client’s lawn here in Narrabeen, Sydney, Australia.

Give us a call on 0412.766.955 to fix the problem.







Kurnell Curse, aka Pennywort, is the Common Name for this weed in Australia, and its scientific name is Hydrocotyle bonariensis.

[Kurnell Curse] is a weed commonly found in sandy soils along coastal areas.

Kurnell Curse can be controlled by using non-selective herbicides like Roundup (or generically known as glyphosate).

Note: We have noticed that when we use Dicamba, the Active Constituent present in Kleen Lawn, to target Broad Leaf Weeds in lawns there is also fatal collateral damage to Kurnell Curse. Having said that, Dicamba is not registered for use on Kurnell Curse.

Dicamba is safe to use on most turf grasses – including Kikuyu, Couch (Burmuda grass), Zoysia, Queensland Blue Couch and most Cool Season Grasses like Rye grass.