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ST26 Buffalo Grass And Why You Should Avoid It

ST26 Buffalo Grass – Even this website review of ST26 Buffalo Grass was scathing! So how can we be sure of Buffalo QUALITY?? Simple, just make sure you buy one of the Aussie Buffalos like Sir Walter Buffalo, Sapphire Buffalo, Kings Pride, Matilda etc.   The ST Buffalo varieties (including ST26, ST85 & ST91) are…

Sir Grange Zoysia Lawn Renovation – Before And After Photos A Few Weeks Apart

Thanks to LawnSolutionsAustralia for these photos of a very simple reno done on a Sir Grange Zoysia lawn. Before and After photos of a Sir Grange Zoysia lawn being scalped (mowed very short, that is, down to soil) and a few weeks later it is looking immaculate.       The main benefit of this simple…