Winter Lawn Care Tips For The Home Owner
Winter Lawn Care Tips – For The Homeowner and Lawn Lovers
For Winter Lawn Care Tips to take away in this bit of free publicity for us a few years ago, still relevant and timely. For other info re publicity we have with various local papers and other media outlets, go to

The three key Lawn Care Tips you should be following to help your lawn through winter are:
1. Regular mowing, like every 2-3 weeks, and at a higher mowing height.
Although it is winter and the grass is not belting along, it is important to mow regularly to keep weeds from spreading and to collect leaves and debris from lawns. A lawn left unmowed and weeds allowed to seed is a recipe for disaster.
Also, autumn leaves etc create shade for grass whilst sitting on the lawn (this is not good either).
We like to mow higher in winter as this gives the lawn greater surface area for the grass to photosynthesise and stay greener for longer in the shorter sunlight days.
Also, remember the One-Third Rule, that is, only mow one third of the grass leaf (blade) at a time. By following this rule you avoid scalping the lawn and more importantly you have a more attractive looking lawn.
2. Nil TAP water over winter for warm season grasses like buffalo, kikuyu, couch & zoysia. The rain is suffiicient over winter. Any soil moisture over winter will be reasonably retained.
3. Keep feeding the lawn every 3 months, this sets the lawn up for success when the warm Spring weather kicks in. Always good for the lawn to have a good feed just like you!!
For more [Lawn Care] Tips go to – you can scroll through many articles by [The Lawn Expert] – if you need a hand with your lawn please call the Lawn Expert now on 1300 55 74 72 for a free quote
If you need new turf (including complete soil preparation, turf supply and installation) whether its any one of the many Aussie Buffalo grasses or any other grasses like Couch, Kikuyu and Zoysia then give these guys a call at or
There you go, good luck with your lawn!
PS. Whether you engage a Lawn Care Service like ours or not it is really important to look after your lawn properly. You can save yourself a lot of grief by downloading our 1 Page Lawn Care Cheat Sheet at