Sir Grange Zoysia Lawn Renovation – Before And After Photos A Few Weeks Apart

Thanks to LawnSolutionsAustralia for these photos of a very simple reno done on a Sir Grange Zoysia lawn.

Before and After photos of a Sir Grange Zoysia lawn being scalped (mowed very short, that is, down to soil) and a few weeks later it is looking immaculate.




The main benefit of this simple reno is to remove all the bulky thatch that builds up over a couple of years with mis-management like not mowing regularly enough. The other benefit is more efficient uptake of rain, fertiliser and nutrients.

The reason why this process of scalping (the poor man’s version of scarifying or de-thatching) works is that Sir Grange Zoysia (like Couch and Kikuyu) have both Stolons (above ground runners) and Rhizomes (below ground runners). It is the Rhizomes that help the grass to re-generate quickly when scalped. This process is best done in mid Spring or Summer so that the grass is able to re-generate and repair quickly.

3 things you need to help the reno are:

  1. Fertilise grass
  2. Warm humid weather
  3. Rain






