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Turf Repair – Lawn Care Service

Turf Repair – Here is a Kings Pride Buffalo Lawn (in Woollahra, NSW) that suffered terribly back in October 2020 after the owner’s husband tried to kill onion weed with Roundup and the Buffalo came off second best!

Turf Repair - damage to lawn caused by roundup







From October 2020 to January 2021 we have rejuvenated the Buffalo lawn back to top condition with a good fertilise with a professional granular fertiliser, extra doses of fertiliser were added to the damaged areas to help accelerate turf repair and re-growth.

All the weeds including the dreaded Onion Weed were eradicated with Javelin herbicide (by Barmac) and Destiny herbicide (by Bayer).

Additional Lawn Green services include (in this instance):

  1. Intense Insect Control Therapy to knockdown both Black Beetle (adult) and Curl Grub (Larvae)
  2. Fertilise all lawn with professional 2-in-1 fertiliser coated with pre-emergent herbicide
  3. Post emergent control of all pre-existing weeds including wintergrass, nutgrass, onion weed and broadleaf weeds. All these weeds were treated with 4 different post emergent selective turf herbicides including Monument, Sempra, Destiny and Javelin.

You can see the approach taken with another job of ours in Cherrybrrok NSW – refer to https://lawngreen.com.au/lawn-repairs-and-lawn-care-service/

LawnGreen’s Sydney Lawn Care Service is very popular amongst its customers for the following reasons at https://LawnGreen.com.au/Why-Choose-Our-Lawn-Care-Service/ . The LawnGreen program is a one-size-fits-all program that works well with all our customers. Although, when we see the lawn for the first time, we assess it on its own attributes. The same applies going forward at regular site visits.

If you need new turf (including complete soil preparation, turf supply and installation) whether its any one of the many Aussie Buffalo grasses or any other grasses like Couch, Kikuyu and Zoysia then give these guys a call at https://lawnsolutionsaustralia.com.au/ or https://www.myhometurf.com.au/ 

Whether you engage a Lawn Care Service like ours or not it is really important to look after your lawn properly. You can save yourself a lot of grief by downloading our 1 Page Lawn Care Cheat Sheet at https://LawnGreen.com.au/The-Lawn-Lovers-Cheat-Sheet-the-complete-1-page-Lawn-Guide/