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Buffalo Lawn Care Tips – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Buffalo Lawn Care Tips – How to look after your Buffalo turf in Australia… Buffalo Turf Grass (also known as St Augustine grass in North America) is a warm season turf grass made very popular in Australia with the relatively new soft leaf Buffalo varieties such as Shademaster (in the 1980s) and Sir Walter Buffalo…

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Kikuyu Lawn Care – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Kikuyu Lawn Care – Kikuyu and Couch (also known as Bermuda grass in the North American continent) turf grasses are commonly used in playing fields and sports field situations. Homeowners are unaware of the reasons behind this and we will give a simple and detailed explanation. We need to understand there are two (2) broad…


How To Control Wintergrass In Your Lawn – servicing Sydney

How To Control Wintergrass In Your Lawn …kill wintergrass! Public enemy Number 1 of lawn lovers! A profuse seeder! This opportunistic little weed thrives in all turf grass areas, and invades turfgrasses without too much effort. Wintergrass germinates in early autumn, and remains a real problem “lawn weed” for winter, spring and for some of summer depending…

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Curl Grub Control

Curl Grub Control – Summer time is a time for lush, green lawns! At least that what you think until your lawn turns to straw patches and takes on a blotchy appearance. Many would be forgiven for thinking that lawns are looking bad with dead patches as a result of heat stress. This is, however,…