Lawn Care Tips – different lawn care approaches – Lawn Green Lawn Care

Lawn Care Tips – different approaches and fertilizers for looking after your lawn…

Over the years, different approaches have been developed for looking after lawns and turf grasses. Some of these approaches are varied and influenced by people who are agenda driven by the “environmental” and “green” movement, or on the other hand, some approaches are influenced by people or organisations that want to maximise the returns on investment for investors and shareholders.

Broadly these approaches to lawn care are divided into 2 main camps: the organic approach versus the inorganic approach.

The organic approach to Lawn Care is based on the premise that effective weed control and fertilisation is achieved with the use of organic products only. These organic products include corn gluten used both as a means of pre-emergent weed control and also as a fertilizer. Organic lawn care is the method of establishing and caring for the lawn (and garden) using organic horticultural methods including the dispensing of all organic pesticides and fertilizers. Organic lawn care relies on teaching the elements of physical maintenance including correct watering, mowing and soil management.

The inorganic approach to Lawn Care is based on the premise that effective weed control is brought about with the control of weeds using herbicide sprays. Once weeds are controlled the lawn is given a “leg up” with synthetic fertilisers to become more robust and dense. With a healthier lawn the weeds find it difficult to out-compete the turf grass. After this, the lawn needs only a maintenance (top-up) of fertilizer / food to keep it healthy and strong – and maybe the odd weed needs to be sprayed or just pulled out.

Our opinion (here in Australia) is the lawn that combines the inorganic approach with the correct physical and cultural methods of good lawn care far out-performs a lawn using organic lawn care. The lawn’s end result after using inorganic fertilizers is far superior to the alternative – if you are un-convinced just ask any greenkeeper or golf course superintendent!

If You want more information about Caring for Your Lawn, please register for our Free Report (on the right hand side of your computer screen) on “The 5 Secrets To A Great Looking Lawn” – or call the Lawn Expert on 1300 55 74 72 now for a FREE QUOTE to be on Your way to a Lush, Beautiful and Greener Weed free lawn.