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Lawn Grub Control

Lawn Grub Control – Summer time is a time for lush, green lawns! At least that what you think until your lawn turns to straw patches and takes on a blotchy appearance.

Lawn Grub Control




Many would be forgiven for thinking that lawns are looking bad with dead patches as a result of heat stress. This is, however, not the case!

Lawn turf is generally resilient and drought hardy! So why the dead patches? The answer is lawn insect damage!

These dead patches are a result of curl grub (a grub which feeds on the lawn turf roots), and bill bug (a weevil that burrows down the plant stem). The curl grub and bill bug damage generally occurs in November and December, however, the lawn damage manifests itself (and becomes evident) after a period of dry weather with some of those classic heatwave days. Like clockwork, the lawn damage generally appears from early to mid January. The damage is quite obvious. Areas, both small and large, are off-colour or quite dead looking. The general appearance is a blotchy one.

Army worm also causes problems, but generally later in the summer from late February to May.

The lawn areas are repairable by attacking the insect problem with Lawn Insecticides. Also, it is important to revive the damaged lawn areas immediately with heavy doses of balanced granular fertiliser. Be sure to follow our tips for regular mowing and heavy (and infrequent) watering.

If you know someone who enjoys their lawn with no time to care for it, ask them to call us on 1300 55 74 72 or visit us at http://www.lawngreen.com.au/ for our waterless weed & feed Lawn Care program…where we turn tired old grass into lush green lawns!

LawnGreen’s Sydney Lawn Care Service is very popular amongst its customers for the following reasons at https://LawnGreen.com.au/Why-Choose-Our-Lawn-Care-Service/

If you need new turf (including complete soil preparation, turf supply and installation) whether its any one of the many Aussie Buffalo grasses or any other grasses like Couch, Kikuyu and Zoysia then give these guys a call at https://lawnsolutionsaustralia.com.au/ or https://www.myhometurf.com.au/

Whether you engage a Lawn Care Service like ours or not it is really important to look after your lawn properly. You can save yourself a lot of grief by downloading our 1 Page Lawn Care Cheat Sheet at https://LawnGreen.com.au/The-Lawn-Lovers-Cheat-Sheet-the-complete-1-page-Lawn-Guide/

Lawn Grub Control