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How To Mow A Lawn – Top 3 Lawn Care Tips

How To Mow A Lawn – Another video for Homeowners and Contractors uploaded to Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/user/YourLawnAndGarden on 29/4/2016.

For your Fact Sheet go to FACT-SHEET-HowToMowALawn-Top3Tips .

Video Script for as follows:

Video Script

1) Gidday it’s the lawn expert here.

2) OK just a heads up, if you haven’t seen it we have done another video on Mowing Like A Pro, you will see the link on the top Right Hand Corner of this video about now.

3) Today there are 3 things really critical to mowing the lawn properly.

4) These 3 things are 1) always use a mower with a catcher, 2) mow the lawn about an inch high or say 3cms high, 3) and regularly

5) Always use a mower with a catcher – there are 3 reasons for this, 1 is to pick up lawn clippings, if not then the clippings build up the lawn thatch with is great breeding ground for disease, 2 is there are some tree leaves that when fallen turn acidic and this plays havoc with the soil pH and makes it harder for the grass to thrive, and 3 we need to pick up tree leaves as they provide shade to the lawn and we don’t want shade.

6) About an inch high is a good mowing height for most grasses. Here in Australia we are mostly dealing with warm season grasses like kikuyu, couch, buffalo, zoysia etc. For most situations 30mm is a good mowing height in summer and maybe a notch higher in winter to compensate for the reduced sunlight hours.

7) Mow the lawn frequently, if not then you end up scalping the lawn if it has not been mowed often enough. Ideally, every week in summer, every 2 weeks in Autumn and Spring and every 3 to 4 weeks in winter. I generally mow my own lawn every 2 weeks max in winter and every week the rest of the year. Remember to mow at the same height of say an inch and FREQUENTLY.

8) Hope this helps.

9) In return and as a favour to me, please SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/yourlawnandgarden and please SHARE our video to your friends on Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest.

How To Mow A Lawn - Like A Pro - Top 3 Lawn Care Tips