Couch Mite Damage and Control
Couch Mite Damage and Control
Couch Mite can cause damage to Couch Lawns as shown in the photos below.
Couch Mite become active in the hot dry periods of late Spring and all Summer. The damage caused by Couch Mite is evidenced by the stunted growth of the grass leaves and new shoots.

The last 2 photographs shows the extensive damage caused by Couch Mite.
Couch Mite control can be carried out:
- By applying a Miticide registered for the control of Couch Mite in lawns, and also
- By watering your lawn 2 – 3 times per week for 1 hour each time to mimic the conditions that are unfavourable to Couch Mites, no need to water the lawn if you have had some rainfall
Couch Mite love the conditions created by constant hot and very dry weather, hence the need to create wet and moist conditions.
Other notes re Couch Mites:
- General lawn insecticides are not effective in the control of Couch Mite as they are a different genus/species to insects
- You will need to apply a Miticide for effective control of Couch Mites
- The damage caused by Couch Mites will take a the remaining months of summer to fix and rectify itself
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