
How To Edge A Lawn With A Whipper Snipper

How To Edge A Lawn – Another “How To” video for Homeowners and Contractors –  How To Edge A Lawn With A Line Trimmer AKA String Trimmer, Whipper Snipper, Weed Whacker – uploaded to Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/user/YourLawnAndGarden on 6/5/2016.

For your Fact Sheet go to FACT-SHEET-HowToEdgeYourLawn .

Video Script for How To Edge Your Lawns correctly as follows:

1) Gidday it’s the lawn expert here.

2) Today I want to show you what to watch out for when you are doing the edges around your lawn.

3) First up, be sure to have all the safety gear on when using your whipper snipper. These are potentially dangerous pieces of equipment and you need to treat them with a lot of respect.

4) Make sure you are covered appropriately with long trousers to cover your legs, and make sure you wear protective glasses or sunglasses to protect your eyes. Because you are working so close to the whipper snipper motor make sure you have adequate ear protection. In my case I am deaf and wear hearing aids so these double as ear muffs when they are turned off.

5) So how do I attack my lawn edges. Well there are 2 ways of doing things the easy or the hard way. I prefer easy, in this case the most efficient way to trim your edges is with a whipper snipper vs using a big lawn edging machine.

6) I’ve had my old faithful whipper snipper for years, it’s a Tanaka, you cant kill it with a stick. Lets have a look at it.

7). Here it is.

8) With any new lawn edge you may need to work away at it to get the edge looking sharp. Then it is a matter of trimming the edge frequently so it is easy to maintain. Same applies to mowing the lawn, frequently.

9) Let’s see a lawn edge down the road, it’s overgrown and needs major surgery.

10) Mow the lawn frequently and do the edges frequently.

11) Hope this helps.

12) In return and as a favour to me, please SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/yourlawnandgarden and please SHARE our video to your friends on Facebook, Linkedin and Pinterest. Also, please give us the THUMBS up and LIKE our video!!!

How To Edge Your Lawn properly so you have nice clean crisp looking edges